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Up: 7. Eligibility Traces
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In this section we show that off-line TD(
), as defined
mechanistically above, achieves the same weight updates as the off-line
algorithm. In this sense we align the forward (theoretical) and
backward (mechanistic) views of
). Let
denote the update at time
according to the
-return algorithm (7.4), and let
denote the update
at time
of state
according to the mechanistic definition of TD(
) as
given by (7.7). Then our goal is to
show that the sum of all the updates over an episode is the same for the two
| (7.8) |
is an identity indicator function, equal to
and equal to 0 otherwise.
First note that an accumulating eligibility trace can be written
explicitly (nonrecursively) as
Thus, the left-hand side of (7.8) can be written
| (7.9) | |
| (7.10) | |
| (7.11) | |
| (7.12) | |
Now we turn to the right-hand side of (7.8).
Consider an individual update of the
-return algorithm:
Examine the first column inside the brackets--all the
's with
their weighting factors of
times powers of
. It turns out that all the
weighting factors sum to 1. Thus we can pull out the first column and get
an unweighted term of
. A similar trick pulls out the second column in
brackets, starting from the second row, which sums to
. Repeating
this for each column, we get
The approximation above is exact in the case of off-line updating, in which case
is the same for all
. The last step is exact (not an approximation)
because all the
terms omitted are due to fictitious steps "after" the terminal state has been
entered. All these steps have zero rewards and zero values; thus all their
's are zero as well. Thus, we have shown that in the off-line case the
right-hand side of (7.8) can be written
which is the same as (7.9). This proves (7.8).
In the case of on-line updating, the approximation made above will be close as
long as
is small and thus
changes little during an episode. Even in
the on-line case we can expect the updates of TD(
) and of the
-return algorithm
to be similar.
For the moment let us assume that the increments are small
enough during an episode that on-line TD(
) gives essentially the same update over
the course of an episode as does the
-return algorithm. There still remain
interesting questions about what happens during an episode. Consider the
updating of the value of state
in midepisode, at time
. Under on-line
), the effect at
is just as if we had done a
-return update treating
the last observed state as the terminal state of the episode with a nonzero
terminal value equal to its current estimated value. This relationship is
maintained from step to step as each new state is observed.
Example 7.3: Random Walk with TD(
Because off-line TD(
) is equivalent to the
-return algorithm, we already have
the results for off-line TD(
) on the 19-state random walk task; they are shown
in Figure
7.6. The comparable results for on-line TD(
) are
shown in Figure
7.9. Note that the on-line algorithm works
better over a broader range of parameters. This is often found to be the case for
on-line methods.
Performance of on-line TD(
) on the 19-state random walk task.
Exercise 7.5
Although TD(
) only approximates the
algorithm when done online, perhaps there's a slightly different TD method
that would maintain the equivalence even in the on-line case. One idea is to
define the TD error instead as
and the
-step return as
. Show that in this case the
modified TD(
) algorithm would then achieve exactly
even in the case of on-line updating with large
. In what ways might
this modified TD(
) be better or worse than the conventional one described in
the text? Describe an experiment to assess the relative merits of the two
Next: 7.5 Sarsa(
Up: 7. Eligibility Traces
Previous: 7.3 The Backward View
Mark Lee