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8.3.4 Kanerva Coding

On tasks with very high dimensionality, say hundreds of dimensions, tile coding and RBF networks become impractical. If we take either method at face value, its computational complexity increases exponentially with the number of dimensions. There are a number of tricks that can reduce this growth (such as hashing), but even these become impractical after a few tens of dimensions.

On the other hand, some of the general ideas underlying these methods can be practical for high-dimensional tasks. In particular, the idea of representing situations by a list of the features present and then mapping those features linearly to an approximation may scale well to large tasks. The key is to keep the number of features from scaling explosively. Is there any reason to think this might be possible?

First we need to establish some realistic expectations. Roughly speaking, a function approximator of a given complexity can only accurately approximate target functions of comparable complexity. But as dimensionality increases, the size of the state space inherently increases exponentially. It is reasonable to assume that in the worst case the complexity of the target function scales like that of the state space. Thus, if we focus the worst case, then there is no solution, no way to get good approximations for high-dimensional tasks without using resources exponential in the dimension.

A more useful way to think about the problem is to focus on the complexity of the target function as separate and distinct from the size and dimensionality of the state space. The size of the state space may give an upper bound on complexity, but short of that high bound, complexity and dimension can be unrelated. For example, one might have a 1000-dimensional task where only one of the dimensions happens to matter. Given a certain level of complexity, we then seek to be able to accurately approximate any target function of that complexity or less. As the target level of complexity increases, we would like to get by with a proportionate increase in computational resources.

From this point of view, the real source of the problem is the complexity of the target function or of a reasonable approximation of it, not the dimensionality of the state space. Thus, adding dimensions, such as new sensors or new features, to a task should be almost without consequence if the complexity of the needed approximations remain the same. The new dimensions may even make things easier if the target function can be simply expressed in terms of them. Methods like tile and RBF coding, however, do not work this way. Their complexity increases exponentially with dimensionality even if the complexity of the target function does not. For these methods, dimensionality itself is still a problem. We need methods whose complexity is unaffected by dimensionality per se, methods that are limited only by, and scale well with, the complexity of what they approximate.

One simple approach that meets these criteria, which we call Kanerva coding, is to choose binary features that correspond to particular prototype states. For definiteness, let us say that the prototypes are randomly selected from the entire state space. The receptive field of such a feature is all states sufficiently close to the prototype. Kanerva coding uses a different kind of distance metrics than in tile coding and RBFs. For definiteness, consider a binary state space and the hamming distance, the number of bits at which two states differ. States are considered similar if they agree on enough dimensions, even if they are totally different on others.

The strength of Kanerva coding is that the complexity of the functions that can be learned depends entirely on the number of features, which bears no necessary relationship to the dimensionality of the task. The number of features can be more or less than the number of dimensions. Only in the worst case must it be exponential in the number of dimensions. Dimensionality itself is thus no longer a problem. Complex functions are still a problem, as they have to be. To handle more complex tasks, a Kanerva coding approach simply needs more features. There is not a great deal of experience with such systems, but what there is suggests the abilities of the networks increase proportionately with their computational resources. This is an area of current research, and significant improvements in existing methods can still easily be found.

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Richard Sutton
Sat May 31 15:08:20 EDT 1997