Reinforcement Learning and
Intelligence (RLAI)
Debate announcement
The ambition of this web page is to reproduce the email announcement that was widely distributed prior to the debate.
Next in the iCORE Lectures:
An Alberta-wide interactive debate
where the audience is invited to participate.
Everyone welcome!
Should artificially intelligent robots
have the same rights as people?
Wednesday October 13, 2004 at 4 pm
in Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge
Jonathan Schaeffer
Tom Keenan
Michael Stingl
Rich Sutton
Audience participation invited
Interactive Locations
Edmonton: ETLC 2-001, University of Alberta
Calgary: Biosciences 587, University of Calgary
Lethbridge: PE 256, University of Lethbridge
Reception to follow at all locations
Jonathan Schaeffer, iCORE Chair, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Systems, University of Alberta
Dr Schaeffer is recognized as a world authority in artificial
intelligence applied to computer games. He developed Chinook, the first
program to win a human world championship in any game, an
accomplishment that is noted in the Guinness Book of World Records. He
also received an NSERC E.W.R. Steacie fellowship in 1997 for his
influential games-related research. He is one of seven Canadians ever
named a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence,
and in Canada contributes substantially to the development of
information technology both in Alberta and nationally. He has designed
numerous algorithms that have achieved widespread use, and has
published widely, including almost 100 refereed publications, a book,
and two edited volumes.
Rich Sutton, iCORE Chair in Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Intelligence, University of Alberta
Dr Richard S. Sutton was born in Toledo, Ohio, and grew up in Oak
Brook, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. He received a BA degree in
psychology from Stanford University in 1978, and MS and PhD degrees in
computer science from the University of Massachusetts in 1980 and 1984.
He worked for nine years at GTE Laboratories in Waltham as principal
investigator of their connectionist machine-learning project, and for
three years at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst as a research
scientist in the computer science department. In 1998-2002 Dr Sutton
worked at AT&T Labs in Florham Park, New Jersey. He is the author
of the original paper on temporal-difference learning and, with Andrew
Barto, of the textbook Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. He is a
fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
Tom Keenan, University Professor, Continuing Education, University of Calgary
Tom Keenan has parallel careers as a university professor and
journalist. He is an award winning teacher and broadcaster and serves
as Technology Correspondent for CBC Radio and Television. At the
University of Calgary, he teaches courses in Computer Security and the
Social Implications of Technology, and has pioneered delivery of
graduate level courses via the Internet. A computer scientist by
training, he was educated at Columbia University, receiving B.A.,
M.Sc., M.A. and Ed.D. degrees, and did additional study at Harvard
University. He is an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at both the
University of Calgary and the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok,
Michael Stingl, Associate Professor, Philosophy, University of Lethbridge
Michael Stingl received an Honors BA in Philosophy and Linguistics from
the University of Wisconsin, and his MA and PhD in Philosophy from the
University of Toronto. His research interests include evolution and
ethics; euthanasia and other end of life issues; and the just
allocation of health resources. He teaches ethics and applied ethics,
including evolutionary approaches to ethics, biomedical ethics,
feminist ethics, and environmental ethics; women's studies; and liberal
Mary Anne Moser
Director of Communications
Alberta Informatics Circle of Research Excellence (iCORE)
tel (403) 949-3306
fax (403) 949-3320