Reinforcement Learning and Artificial
Intelligence (RLAI)
Terms of use
The ambition of this web page is to describe the ways in which you are, and are not, encouraged to use the open page server rlai.cs.ualberta.ca, the open pages there, and the open page infrastructure.
The open web page server rlai.cs.ualberta.ca
has been set up primarily to encourage scientific collaboration at the
intersection of reinforcement learning research and artificial
intelligence research. The creation of new open pages on these
topics is explicitly encouraged and will be supported for the long term.
As part of this experiment with open web pages, we are also encouraging
new pages that are related to the component scientific areas. That is, we
encourage also pages on artificial intelligence that are unrelated to
reinforcement learning, and pages on reinforcement learning that are
not explicitly related to artificial intelligence. Pages on these
topics will be supported as long as possible, but it may become necessary
to move them elsewhere if the content or traffic on the server becomes too
great. This is not expected to happen very soon, and it is not expected to be difficult to find new hosts for
such content.
In all cases, a few mild restrictions are necessary. First,
except in special circumstances, only html pages should be
published to the open page server. Second, use the server only for pages
that are intended for collaborative authoring, pages which you
encourage others to edit consistent with the style guide. Third,
use the open page server only for substantially new pages, pages that
were explicitly written to support and encourage collaborative
authoring in the ways suggested in the style guide. Pages that
have not been prepared in this way, or that are expected to be read but
not altered, should be linked to but not transferred to the open page server. Personal
home pages, archival copies of completed documents, and images (other
than small ones embedded in html pages) are examples of things that are
not appropriate for transfer to the open page server. If you want to include some read-only
material but don't have a place to put it where it will be
accessible for the long term, please contact us and we may be suggest
or provide an archival place for it.
Please don't use the open page server for anything illegal or
rude. Please don't try to author content by means other than
those intended. Hackers, surely you can find more
challenging targets. Respect each others' work, particularly when
refactoring it, and realize that your own work
may be refactored.
Of course, these terms of use apply only to rlai.cs.ualberta.ca
and not to open pages in general. You are encouraged to host open
pages on your own server on whatever terms you want, using the
same software as used here or your own modifications of it. Most of the relevant files for this can be
found from the index page /index.html,
but we have not kept this fully up-to-date. We expect to take
some steps to simplify setting up your own site in the future.