Reinforcement Learning and
Intelligence (RLAI)
Lab Info for the RL&AI Group
The ambition of this
page is to provide information about various lab (that is, the physical
lab) policies and points of interest.
Location: CSC 2-65, University of Alberta
Phone number: 492-4766
Software Tools Purchasing Policy:
- Up to $200 per person per year can be spend on software pertinent to RLAI productivity without special permission.
- Send a written request (ie email) with
- What tool/software you want to buy
- What it does
- Your reason/justification for the purchase
- Relevance to RLAI/iCore
- Proposed way of purchasing it
- Make sure it is understandable to non-technical people. If the
email can't be read and understood by Lori the purchase will not be
Random info:
- For the summer, Rich's new meeting philosophy is to come by the
lab at 2:30 and meet with people there.
- The whiteboard behind the couch is for semi-permanent data
(conference schedules, etc)
- There is open season on all other whiteboards - unless explicitly
labelled, they may be erased without notice
- If you are running an experiments on one of the desktops, put a
sticky note on it. Otherwise, it could be shut down.
- The server (Montagneuse) will be available for floaters who need
to quickly check email, print off papers, etc.
Using Xgrid:
To submit a job to xgrid:
xgrid -h montagneuse -job submit cmdline
where cmdline
is the command line of the job you wish to run. Xgrid will find an
unused lab computer to run the job on.
To display the status of a job:
# xgrid -h montagneuse -job attributes -id
where num
is the job id of the job.
To display the output of a job:
# xgrid -h
montagneuse -job results -id num
where num
is the job id of the job.
Using CVS:
CVS has now been set up on the server. There is one central repository
which everyone can access. Once you have had a mobile account setup,
you will be able to use this repository.
To access:
export CVSROOT=":ext:user@montagneuse:/Network/Servers/montagneuse.cs.ualberta.ca/netHome/cvs/cvsrepo"
where user
is your username.
Then you will be able to do:
# cd
# cvs
import -m "My project" projdir vendor start
# cd ..
# rm -rf projdir
# cvs checkout projdir
to import an existing project into the repository so that others can
access it.
Lab Poll:
At one point, we were discussing what kind of mice and keyboards were best. Here are the results of the lab poll: