Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Intelligence (RLAI)

Transfer Learning Reading Group

Some members of the RLAI group at the University of Alberta will be meeting weekly to discuss papers in the field of Transfer Learning. The goal of these weekly discussions will be to increase members' knowledge of current research in Transfer Learning and to generate ideas for future research in Transfer Learning from a Reinforcement Learning perspective. The papers selected will not, however, be restricted to those written by members of the RL community. The leaping-off point for this group will be the Inductive Transfer: 10 Years Later workshop from NIPS 2005. The inaugural meeting will involve discussion of Rich Caruana's slides from the workshop as well as some preliminary organization.

Organisation and Guidelines

Thursday, September 21, 2006
11 AM
Organizational, Caruana's Slides
Thursday, September 28, 2006 11 AM
Transfer of Learning in Animals. Jim Kehoe
see below
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
11 AM
"Multitask learning: A knowledge-based source of inductive bias." Caruana 1993 PDF
Thursday, October 19, 2006 11 AM
"Exploiting Task Relatedness for Multiple
Task Learning." Ben-David & Shuller  2003
Thursday, October 26, 2006
4 PM
"Theoretical Models of Learning to Learn." Baxter 1997 (up to and including 3.1)
Thursday, November 9, 2006 4 PM
"Theoretical Models of Learning to Learn." Baxter 1997 (the rest) PDF
Thursday, November 16, 2006 4 PM "Exploiting Task Relatedness for Multiple
Task Learning." Ben-David & Shuller  2003
Thursday, November 23, 2006 4 PM "CHILD: A First Step Towards Continual Learning." Mark Ring 1997

Does "you should read the paper beforehand" count the slides for the first meeting?  

Please at least browse the slides before the meeting. There are quite a few undefined TLAs and mysterious graphs, but the slides will at least give us a starting point for discussions.  

Would you please let us know when your reserved the place for the next meeting?  

Done and done.  

As agreed, I will be give a 50-min talk on the basics of transfer of learning in animals.  For readings, go to my website /RLAI/kehoe.html   Click on publications and open:

Under "Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings"

21. Kehoe, E. J. & Macrae, M. (2002). Fundamental behavioral methods and findings in classical conditioning. In J. W. Moore (Ed.), Classical Conditioning: A Guidebook for Neuroscientists (pp. 171-231). New York: Springer.

Read pp. 171-173, 182-188

Under "Journal Articles"

27.  Kehoe, E. J. (1988). A layered network model of associative learning:Learning-to-learn and configuration. Psychological Review, 95, 411-433.  

Read pp. 411-419  


Just a reminder that the Transfer Learning Reading Group is once again meeting Thursday, October 12 at 11 AM. Due to the less-than-stellar turnout last week, we will be discussing the same paper this week.  

The paper this week is a bit of theory which tries to formalize the idea of task-relatedness. I expect the discussion to be lively.  

Proposed time for reading group this week: 1pm Thursday.

This is to avoid overlap with our very own David Silver's games group presentation.  

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