RLAI Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Intelligence (RLAI)

RLAI announcement page

The ambition of this page is to provide a mailing list for the RLAI group, and to make announcements to the RLAI group.  You can subscribe to or send to the list.

This page replaces earlier pages: papers and presentations, earlier group mtgs
UofA RLAI home

Subscribe to the Calendar (with iCal or other)

If you would like to subscribe to this Calendar, say with iCal or with your own Google Calendar account (http://calendar.google.com), the address of the iCal version is:
ACK!  Wrong URL WAS HERE!  Fixed Sept 20/2006.

The old link (below) is for the RLAI Conference calendar, a totally different beast!


The RLAI group at the University of Alberta is having a tea-time talk every Monday to Thursday this summer (2006) at 4:00-4:30pm in CSC 333.

The tea-time talks are replacing the weekly Papers and Presentations meetings, at least for the duration of this summer.

i have decided not to have the icore banff retreat at this time.  i think it will better serve us at the start of the fall term - or rather just before the fall term starts. i apologize if you have already made any preparations.

if you have made any reservations with the banff center, be sure to cancel them before monday. -rich

There will be a group dinner to welcome our new members, Brad, Eric and Martha, on Monday, May 8th at 6pm. If you would like to go but have been left off the hurriedly selected mailing list, please contact me.  -Dave

Dear RLAI'ers.
In this year's ICML, Pascal Poupart, Mohammad and myself are giving a tutorial on Bayesian Methods for Reinforcement Learning.
The tutorial webpage is:

If you're planning on attending ICML this year, please consider taking the tutorial, as this will be your first (and possibly only) chance to get familiar with this family of methods, all in one day.
Regards, Yaki Engel.  

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