Reinforcement Learning and
Intelligence (RLAI)
RLAI Lab Library
Edited by Brad
The ambition of this
page is to introduce the RLAI Lab Library. This page will also describe
the procedures for checking out books and for adding books to the
The RLAI Lab Library
The RLAI Lab Library (not to be confused with the RL-Library) is a
collection of books which may be checked out by members of the RLAI
group at the University of Alberta. The library primarily contains
academic textbooks and collections, though it also contains technical
references and manuals, in addition to some non-technical resources.
The RLAI Lab Library is located in room 2-65 of CSC.
Checking out books
To check out a book, remove its card and write your name and the
current date on the card. Place the card in the brown card file, which
is located on the same shelf as the books. You must check out any book that leaves
the library area.
Returning books
To return a book, remove the appropriate card from the brown card file
and write the return date upon it. Place the card back inside the book
and return the book to the shelf.
If it is not on the shelf, check
the card file to determine who has it checked out.
Requesting books
To request a book, email the title of the book and a brief rationale
for the inclusion of the book in the library to the members of the
library committee: Brad,
Mohammad, and Amir massoud. The committee will decide if the book
is appropriate for the library and arrange for it to be ordered if
Failure to comply with RLAI Lab Library procedure will result in a fine
of $2. Place the money in the fine jar (yet to be purchased). Money
from fines will go towards library expenses (such as the purchase of a
fine jar). Compliance will be self-policed, so be honest!