RLAI Reinforcement Learning and Computer Go (RLGO)
David Silver, October 13th 2004
The ambition of this web page is to identify and define properties of features that can help to classify, manage and generate them.


An interpreted feature is a feature that we specify how to use, for example to assign a value to a feature that we use in constructing the value function.

An uninterpreted feature is a feature that we don't specify how to use. The value function (or anything constructed using the feature as an input) decides for itself how to use the feature, for example how significant that feature should be.


A concrete feature is a feature that can be computed directly in terms of observations that we make about the state or about state transitions. Vague notions cannot be considered concrete features unless we have a specific way to compute and verify the value for that notion in terms of observations about the state.

An abstract feature is the opposite of a concrete feature. It cannot be computed directly in terms of observations, and represents a higher order notion that can only be computed in terms of other features.

The order of a feature is the level of abstractness. Concrete features are order 0. The order of an abstract feature is 1 + the highest order of any features used to compute it.


A current feature can be computed from the current state of the board.

A predictive feature is computed as an estimate over possible future states of the board.

Both current and predictive features can be described by questions and answers.


A point feature is a property of a particular stone or intersection.

A compound feature is a property of a particular region (for example a string, group, or eyespace)

A global feature is a property of the whole board (for example whether a ko-fight is happening, or the estimated overall score)

Many features exist at multiple scales. See segmentation for some discussion of different regions.

How about recursively defined features? Do we want to allow them? By the definition above, they could have no finite order. 

Good point. One possible answer would be to consider feature computation as an iterative process, where the features of the new iteration are computed from the previous iteration. So if a recursive feature has order o on its initial iteration, then on the kth iteration it would have order (o+k). But this is assuming a particular method for dealing with recursive features! 

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