Jim Kehoe's Publications

Journal Articles


1.    Millenson, J. R. , Kehoe, E. J. , & Gormezano, I. (1973). A minicomputer program for control and data acquisition in classical conditioning. Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation, 5, 212-217.


2.    Kehoe, E. J. , & Gormezano, I. (1974). Effects of trials per session on conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 4, 434-436.


3.    Kehoe, E. J. , Frei, L. J. , Tait, R. W. , & Gormezano, I. (1975). On microprocessor-based computers. Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation, 7, 183-186.


4.    Millenson, J. R. , Kehoe, E. J. , & Gormezano, I. (1977). Classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response under fixed and mixed CS-US intervals. Learning and Motivation, 8, 351-366.


5.    Kehoe, E. J. , Gibbs, C. M. , Garcia, E. , & Gormezano, I. (1979). Associative transfer and stimulus selection in classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response to serial compound CSs. Journal of Experimental Psychology:Animal Behavior Processes, 5, 1-18.


6.    Kehoe, E. J. (1979). The role of CS-US contiguity in classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane Response to serial stimuli. Learning and Motivation, 10, 23-38.


7.    Kehoe, E. J. , & Gormezano, I. (1980). Configuration and combination laws in conditioning with compound stimuli. Psychological Bulletin, 87, 351-378.


8.    Kehoe, E. J. , Schreurs, B. G. , & Amodei, N. (1981). Blocking acquisition of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response to serial conditioned stimuli. Learning and Motivation, 12, 92-108.


9.    Kehoe, E. J. , Feyer, A. M. , & Moses, J. L. (1981). Second-order conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response as a function of the CS2-CS1 and CS1-US intervals. Animal Learning & Behavior, 9, 304-314.


10. Kehoe, E. J. (1982). Overshadowing and summation in compound stimulus conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 8, 313-328.


11. Kehoe, E. J. (1982). Conditioning with serial compound stimuli:Theoretical and empirical issues. Experimental Animal Behaviour, 1, 30-65.


12. Tait, R. W. , Kehoe, E. J. , & Gormezano, I. (1983). Effects of US duration on classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Journal of Experimental Psychology:Animal Behavior Processes, 9, 91-101.


13. Kehoe, E. J. (1983). CS-US contiguity and CS intensity in conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response to serial and simultaneous compound stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology:Animal Behavior Processes, 9, 307-319.


14. Kehoe, E. J. , & Morrow, L. D. (1984). Temporal dynamics of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response in serial compound conditioned stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 10, 205-220.


15. Kehoe, E. J. , & Holt, P. E. (1984). Transfer across CS-US intervals and sensory modalities in classical conditioning of the rabbit. Animal Learning & Behavior, 12, 122-128.


16. Kehoe, E. J. , Morrow, L. D. , & Holt, P. E. (1984). General transfer across sensory modalities survives reductions in the original conditioned reflex in the rabbit. Animal Learning & Behavior, 12, 129-136.


17. Poulos, C. X. , Kehoe, E. J. , & Gormezano, I. (1985). Appetitive differential conditioning of the rabbit's jaw movement response:Effects of cue similarity and US magnitude. Pavlovian Journal of Biological Science, 20, 29-38.


18. Bellingham, W. P. , Gillette-Bellingham, K. , & Kehoe, E. J. (1985). Summation and configuration in patterning schedules with the rat and rabbit. Animal Learning & Behavior, 13, 152-164.


19. Holt, P. E. , & Kehoe, E. J. (1985). Cross-modal transfer as a function of similarities between training tasks in classical conditioning of the rabbit. Animal Learning & Behavior, 13, 51-59.


20. Kehoe, E. J. (1986). Summation and configuration in conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response to compound stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology:Animal Behavior Processes, 12, 186-195.


21. Kehoe, E. J. , & Schreurs, B. G. (1986). Compound conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response:Test trial manipulations. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 24, 79-81.


22. Kehoe, E. J. , & Schreurs, B. G. (1986). Compound-component differentiation as a function of CS-US interval and CS duration in the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Animal Learning & Behavior, 14, 144-154.


23. Kehoe, E. J. , Marshall-Goodell, B. S. , & Gormezano, I. (1987). Differential conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response to serial compound stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology:Animal Behavior Processes, 13, 17-30.


24. Schreurs, B. G. , & Kehoe, E. J. (1987). Cross-modal transfer as a function of initial training level in classical conditioning with the rabbit. Animal Learning & Behavior, 15, 47-54.


25. Kehoe, E. J. , Schreurs, B. G. , & Graham, P. (1987). Temporal primacy overrides prior training in serial compound conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Animal Learning & Behavior, 15, 455-464.


26. Kehoe, E. J. , & Graham, P. (1988). Summation and configuration in negative patterning of the rabbit's conditioned nictitating membrane response. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 14, 320-333.


27. Kehoe, E. J. (1988). A layered network model of associative learning:Learning-to-learn and configuration. Psychological Review, 95, 411-433.


28. Kehoe, E. J. , Graham-Clarke, P. , & Schreurs, B. G. (1989). Temporal patterns of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response to compound and component stimuli under mixed CS-US intervals. Behavioral Neuroscience, 103, 283-295.


29. Kehoe, E. J. (1989). Associative theory versus classical conditioning:Their proper perspective. The Behavior and Brain Sciences, 12, 147.


30. Kehoe, E. J. (1989). Connectionist models of conditioning:A tutorial. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 52, 427-440.


31. Kehoe, E. J. , Cool, V. , & Gormezano, I. (1991). Trace conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response as a function of CS-US interstimulus interval and trials per session. Learning and Motivation, 22, 269-290.


32. Kehoe, E. J. , & Napier, R. M. (1991). Temporal specificity in cross-modal transfer of the rabbit nictitating membrane response. Journal of Experimental Psychology:Animal Behavior Processes, 17, 26-35.


33. Kehoe, E. J. , & Napier, R. M. (1991). In the blink of an eye:Real time stimulus factors in delay and trace conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 43B, 257-277.


34. Kehoe, E. J. , & Napier, R. M. (1991). Real-time factors in the rabbit's nictitating membrane response to pulsed and serial conditioned stimuli. Animal Learning & Behavior, 19, 195-206.


35. Gibbs, C. M. , Kehoe, E. J. , & Gormezano, I. (1991). Conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response to a CSA-CSB-US serial compound:Manipulations of CSB's associative character. Journal of Experimental Psychology:Animal Behavior Processes, 17, 423-432.


36. Gibbs, C. M. , Cool, V. , Land. T. , Kehoe, E. J. , & Gormezano, I. (1991). Second-order conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response:Interstimulus interval and frequency of CS-CS pairings. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, 26, 282-295.


37. Napier, R. M. , Macrae, M. ,& Kehoe, E. J. (1992). Reacquisition after extinction in the rabbit nictitating membrane response. Journal of Experimental Psychology:Animal Behavior Processes, 18, 182-192.


38. Kehoe, E. J. (1992). How to give a truly stupefying colloquium. The Psychologist, 5, 96.


39. Solman, R. T. , Singh, N. H. , & Kehoe, E. J. (1992). Pictures block the learning of sightwords. Educational Psychology, 12, 143-153.


40. Marshall-Goodell, B. , Kehoe, E. J. , & Gormezano, I. (1992) Laws of the unconditioned reflex in the rabbit nictitating membrane preparation. Psychobiology, 20, 229-237.


41. Kehoe, E. J. (1993). The latitude and longitude of the mind: Cognitive science seeks general principles for exploring learning, memory and thought. Education Monitor, 4, 24-26.


42. Kehoe, E. J., Horne, P. S. , Macrae, M. , & Horne, A. J. (1993) Real-time processing of serial stimuli in classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response, Journal of Experimental Psychology:Animal Behavior Processes, 19, 265-283.


43. Kehoe, E. J. , Horne, P. S. , & Horne, A. J. (1993). Discrimination learning using different CS-US intervals in classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Psychobiology, 21, 277-285.


44. Schreurs, B. G. , Kehoe, E. J. , & Gormezano, I. (1993). Concurrent associative transfer and competition in serial conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Learning and Motivation, 24, 395-412.


45. Kehoe, E. J. , & Macrae, M. (1994). Classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane can be fast or slow:Implications for Lennartz and Weinberger's (1992) two-factor theory. Psychobiology, 22, 1-4.


46. Kehoe, E. J. , Horne, A. J. , Horne, P. S. , & Macrae, M. (1994). Summation and configuration between and within sensory modalities in classical conditioning of the rabbit. Animal Learning & Behavior, 22, 19-26.


47. Cox, J. , Guthrie, R. , Macrae, M. , & Kehoe, E. J. (1994). MK-801 impairs acquisition and expression of conditioned responses in the rabbit nictitating membrane preparation. Psychobiology, 22, 156-166.


48. Kehoe, E. J. , Schreurs, B. G. , Macrae, M. , & Gormezano, I. (1995). Effects of modulating tone frequency, intensity, and duration on the classically conditioned rabbit nictitating membrane response. Psychobiology, 23, 103-115.


49. Kehoe, E. J. , Horne, A. J. , Kingham, J. , Martin, T. , & Roach, W. (1995). Acquisition of a conditioned reflex in New Zealand White rabbits from three sources. Laboratory Animals, 29, 394-399.


50. Macrae, M. , & Kehoe, E. J. (1995). Transfer between conditional and discrete discriminations in conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response. Learning and Motivation, 26, 380-402.


51. Kehoe, E. J. , Horne, A. J. , & Macrae, M. (1995). Learning to learn: real-time features and a connectionist model. Adaptive Behavior, 3, 235-271.


52. Kehoe, E. J. , Macrae, M. , & Hutchinson, C. L. (1996). MK-801 protects conditioned responses from extinction in the rabbit nictitating membrane preparation. Psychobiology, 24, 127-135.


53. Carrive, P. , Kehoe, E. J. , Macrae, M. , & Paxinos, G. (1997). Fos-like immunoreactivity in locus coeruleus after classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Neuroscience Letters, 223, 33-36.


54. Kehoe, E. J. , & Macrae, M. (1997). Savings in animal learning: implications for relapse and maintenance after therapy. Behavior Therapy, 28, 141-155.


55. Nowak, A. J. , Marshall-Goodell, B. , Kehoe, E. J. , Gormezano, I. (1997). Elicitation, modification, and conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response by electrical stimulation in the spinal trigeminal nucleus, inferior olive, interpositus nucleus, and red nucleus. Behavioral Neuroscience, 111,1041-1055.


56. Weidemann, G. & Kehoe, E. J. (1997). Transfer and counterconditioning of conditional control in the rabbit nictitating membrane response. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 50B, 295-316.


57. Weidemann, G. , Georgilas, A. , & Kehoe, E. J. (1999). Temporal specificity in patterning of the rabbit's conditioned nictitating membrane response. Animal Learning & Behavior, 27, 99-107.


58. Kehoe, E. J., & Weidemann, G. (1999). Within-stimulus competition in trace conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Psychobiology, 27, 72-84.


59. Macrae, M., & Kehoe, E. J. (1999). Savings after extinction in conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Psychobiology, 27, 85-94.


60. Nowak, A. J., Kehoe, E. J., Macrae, M., & Gormezano, I. (1999). Conditioning and reflex modification of the rabbit nictitating membrane response using electrical stimulation in auditory nuclei. Behavioural Brain Research, 105, 189-198.


61. Kehoe, E. J., Palmer, N. , Weidemann, G., & Macrae, M. (2000). The effect of feature-target intervals in conditional discriminations on acquisition and expression of conditioned nictitating membrane and heart-rate responses in the rabbit. Animal Learning & Behavior, 28, 80-91.


62. Kehoe, E. J. (2000). Extension of the CS past the US can facilitate conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response. Behavioural Processes, 50, 155-164.


63. White, N. E., Kehoe, E. J. , Choi, J-S. , & Moore, J. W. (2000). Coefficients of variation in timing of the classically conditioned eyeblink in rabbits. Psychobiology, 28, 520-524.


64. Moss, N. D., Clarke, J. C. , & Kehoe, E. J. (2002). Paradoxical effects of hedonic disparities in negative anticipatory contrast. Physiology and Behavior, 75, 435-442.


65. Kehoe, E. J., & Boesenberg,K. G. (2002). Temporal discrimination using different feature-target intervals in classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Animal Learning & Behavior, 30, 208-216.


66. Kehoe, E. J., & White, N. E. (2002). Extinction revisited: similarities between extinction and reductions in us intensity in classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response. Animal Learning & Behavior, 30, 96-111.


67. Garcia, K. S., Mauk, M. D., Weidemann, G., & Kehoe, E. J. (2003). Covariation of alternative measures of responding in rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) eyeblink conditioning during acquisition training and tone generalization. Behavioral Neuroscience, 117, 292Ð303.


68. Weidemann, G., & Kehoe, E. J. (2003). Savings in classical conditioning in the rabbit as a function of extended extinction. Learning & Behavior, 31, 49-68.


69. Kehoe, E. J., & White, N. E. (2004). Overexpectation: Response loss during sustained stimulus compounding in the rabbit nictitating membrane preparation.  Learning and & Memory, 11, 476-483.


70. Kehoe, E. J., Weidemann, G., & Dartnall, S. (2004). Apparatus exposure produces profound declines in the rabbit's conditioned nictitating membrane response to discrete conditioned stimuli.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 30, 259-270.


71. Weidemann, G., & Kehoe, E. J. (2004). Recovery of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response without direct reinforcement after extinction.  Learning & Behavior, 32, 409-426.


72. Kehoe, E. J, &  Joscelyne, A. (2005). Temporally specific extinction of conditioned responses in the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) nictitating membrane preparation.  Behavioral Neuroscience, 119, 1011-1022.


73. Weidemann, G., & Kehoe, E. J. (2005). Stimulus specificity of concurrent recovery

in the rabbit nictitating membrane response.  Learning & Behavior, 33, 343-362.


74.  Mendias, C., & Kehoe, E. J. (2006). Engagement of policing ideals and their relationship to the exercise of discretionary powers.  Criminal Justice and Behavior, 33, 70-92.

 75. Sherker, S., Finch, C., Kehoe, E. J., & Doverty, M. (2006). Drunk, drowsy, doped: skiers and snowboarders injury risk perceptions regarding alcohol, fatigue and recreational drug use. International Journal of Injury Control & Safety Promotion, 13, 151-157.


76. Kehoe, E. J. (2006).  Repeated acquisitions and extinctions in classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane responses.  Learning & Memory, 13, 366-375.


77. Poulos, A. M., Pakaprot, N., Mahdi, B., Kehoe, E. J., & Thompson, R. F. (2006). The effects of post-training exposure to the training apparatus following delay eyeblink conditioning.  Behavioral Neuroscience, 120,730-734.

78. Joscelyne, A., & Kehoe, E. J.  (in press). Time and Stimulus Specificity in Extinction of the Conditioned Nictitating Membrane Response in Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Behavioral Neuroscience


Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings 

 1.   Gormezano, I. , & Kehoe, E. J. (1975). Classical conditioning: Some methodological-conceptual issues. In W. K. Estes (Ed. ),Handbook of learning and cognitive processes. Vol. 2. Conditioning and behaviortheory. (pp. 143-179). Hillsdale,NJ:Erlbaum.


 2.   Gormezano, I. , & Kehoe, E. J. (1981). Classical conditioning and the law of contiguity. In P. Harzem and M. D. Zeiler (Eds. )Advances in analysis of behavior. Vol. 2. (pp. 1-45). Sussex:Wiley.


 3.   Gormezano, I. , Kehoe, E. J. , & Marshall, B. S. (1983). Twenty years of classical conditioning research with the rabbit. in J. M. Sprague and A. N. Epstein (Eds. ), Progress in psychobiology and physiological psychology. Vol. 10. (pp. 197-275). New York:Academic Press.


 4.   Gormezano, I. , & Kehoe, E. J. (1984). Associative transfer in classical conditioning to serial compounds. In M. L. Commons, R. J. Herrnstein, and A. R. Wagner(Eds. ), Quantitative analyses of behavior. Vol. 3: Acquisition(pp. 297-322). Cambridge, MA:Ballinger.


 5.   Kehoe, E. J. (1986). A layered network model for learning-to-learn and configuration in classical conditioning. In C. Clifton (Ed. ),Proceedings of the eighth annual conference of the cognitive science society(pp. 154-175). Hillsdale, NJ:Erlbaum.


 6.   Kehoe, E. J. (1987). Selective association in compound stimulus conditioning with the rabbit. In I. Gormezano, W. F. Prokasy, and R. F. Thompson (Eds. ),Classical conditioning(3rd ed. )(pp. 161-196). Hillsdale, NJ:Erlbaum.


 7.   Kehoe, E. J. (1988). Behaviourism as an intellectual icon: Behavioural psychology's role in cognitive science. In R. H. Albury and P. Slezak (Eds. )Dimensions of cognitive science(pp. 43-59). Sydney, Australia:Centre for Cognitive Science, University of New South Wales.


8.    Gormezano, I. , & Kehoe, E. J. (1989). Classical conditioning with serial compound stimuli. In J. B. Sidowski (Ed. ), Conditioning, cognition, and methodology: Contemporary issues in experimental psychology (pp. 31-61). Lanham, MD:University Press of America.


 9.   Kehoe, E. J. (1989). Connectionist model of successive acquisitions and learning to learn:Implications for neural architecture. In J. A. Keats, R. Taft, R. A. Heath, and S. H. Lovibond (Eds. ), Proceedings of the XXIV International Congress of Psychology. Vol. 4:Mathematical and theoretical systems(pp. 241-257). Cambridge, MA:Ballinger.


10. Kehoe, E. J. (1990). Classical conditioning:Fundamental issues for adaptive network models. In M. Gabriel and J. W. Moore (Eds. ), Learning and computational neuroscience (pp. 389-408). Cambridge, MA:MIT Press.


11. Kehoe, E. J. (1992). Versatility in conditioning:A layered network model. In D. S. Levine and S. J. Levin (Eds. ), Motivation, emotion and goal direction in neural networks (pp. 63-90). Hillsdale, NJ:Erlbaum.


12. Kehoe, E. J. (1994). Neural network models. In R. Corsini (Ed. ), Encyclopedia of Psychology (2nd Ed. ) (Vol. 2. , pp. 470-473). New York: Wiley.


13. Kehoe, E. J. (1994). More than meets the eye: Animal learning and knowledge induction. In K. Furukawa, D. Michie, and S. Muggleton (Eds. ), Machine Intelligence 13: Machine intelligence and inductive learning(pp. 213-246). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


14. Kehoe, E. J. , Horne, A. J. , Kingham, J. , Martin, T. & Roach, W. (1994). Learning in NZW rabbits from three sourcesIn T. Martin (Ed. ),Total quality: animals and research. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Laboratory Animal Science (pp. 71-77). Sydney, Australia: Australian Society for Laboratory Animal Science.


15. Kehoe, E. J. (1995). Computational issues in associative learning. In P. Slezak, T. Caelli, & R. Clark (Ed. ), Perspectives on cognitive science: theories, experiments, and foundations (pp. 45-62). Norward, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation.


16. Kehoe, E. J. & Macrae, M. (1998). Classical conditioning. In W. O'Donohue (Ed. ) Learning and behavior therapy (pp. 36-58). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.


17. Kehoe, E. J. (1998). Can the whole be something other than the sum of its parts? (pp. 87-126). In C. D. L. Wynne &J. E. R. Staddon (Eds. ), Models of action: Mechanisms for adaptive behavior. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.


18. Kehoe, E. J. , & Macrae, M. (1999). Modern associative theory in teaching and learning (pp. 211-236). In J. Athanasou (Ed. ), Adult Educational Psychology. Katoomba, NSW: Social Science Press.


19. Kehoe, E. J. (2001). Neural network models. In W. E. Craighead & C. B. Nemeroff (Eds.), The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science (3rd Ed. ) (Vol. 3. , pp. 1038-1043). New York: Wiley.


20. Kehoe, E. J. (2001) Neural network models. In N. W. Bond & K. M. McConkey (Eds.) Psychological science: an introduction. (pp. 415-416). Sydney: McGraw-Hill.


21. Kehoe, E. J. & Macrae, M. (2002). Fundamental behavioral methods and findings in classical conditioning. In J. W. Moore (Ed.), Classical Conditioning: A Guidebook for Neuroscientists (pp. 171-231). New York: Springer.


22. Kehoe, E. J. , & Bright, J. E. H. (2003). Personnel training and development. In O'Driscoll, M, Taylor, P. , & Kalliath, T. (Eds. ), Organisational Psychology in Australia and New Zealand  (pp. 56-77). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.


Book Reviews 

1. Kehoe, E. J. (1991). Review of "Contemporary learning theories: Pavlovian conditioning and the status of traditional learning theory. "American Journal of Psychology, 104, 301-305.


2. Kehoe, E. J. (1994). Review of A. Amsel's Frustration theory: An analysis of dispositional learning and memory. ÓContemporary Psychology, 39, 7-8.  

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