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5.9 Historical and Bibliographical Remarks

The term ``Monte Carlo" dates from the 1940s when physicists at Los Alamos devised games of chance that they could study to help understand complex physical phenomena relating to the atom bomb. Coverage of Monte Carlo methods in this sense can be found in several textbooks (e.g., Kalos and Whitlock, 1986; Rubinstein, 1981).

An early use of Monte Carlo methods to estimate action values in a reinforcement learning context was by Michie and Chambers (1968). In pole balancing (Example 3.4), they used averages of episode durations to assess the worth (expected balancing ``life") of each possible action in each state, and then used these assessments to control action selections. Their method is similar in spirit to Monte Carlo ES. In our terms, they used a form of every-visit MC method.

Barto and Duff (1994) discussed policy evaluation in the context of classical Monte Carlo algorithms for solving systems of linear equations. They used the analysis of Curtiss (1954) to point out the computational advantages of Monte Carlo policy evaluation for large problems. Singh and Sutton (1996) distinguished between every-visit and first-visit MC methods and proved results relating these methods to reinforcement learning algorithms.

The blackjack example is based on an example used by Widrow, Gupta, and Maitra (1973). The soap bubble example is a classical Dirichlet problem whose Monte Carlo solution was first proposed by Kakutani (1945). (see Hersh and Griego, 1969; Doyle and Snell, 1984). The racetrack exercise is adapted from Barto, Bradtke, and Singh (1995), and from Gardner (1973).

Richard Sutton
Fri May 30 13:20:35 EDT 1997