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9.8 Summary

We have presented a perspective emphasizing the surprisingly close relationships between planning optimal behavior and learning optimal behavior. Both involve estimating the same value functions, and in both cases it is natural to update the estimates incrementally, in a long series of small backup operations. This makes it straightforward to integrate learning and planning processes simply by allowing both to update the same estimated value function. In addition, any of the learning methods can be converted into planning methods simply by applying them to simulated (model generated) experience rather than to real experience. In this case learning and planning become even more similar; they are possibly identical algorithms operating on two different sources of experience.

It is straightforward to integrate incremental planning methods with acting and model learning. Planning, acting, and model learning interact in a circular fashion (Figure 9.2), each producing what the other needs to improve, but with no other interaction among them either required or prohibited. The most natural approach is for all processes to proceed asynchronously and in parallel. If the processes must share computational resources, then the division can be handled almost arbitrarily---by whatever organization is most convenient and efficient for the task at hand.

In this chapter we have touched upon a number of dimensions of variation among state-space planning methods. One of the most important of these is the distribution of backups i.e., of the focus of search. Prioritized sweeping focuses on the predecessors of states whose values have recently changed. Heuristic search applied to reinforcement learning focuses on the successors of the current state, and in other ways. Trajectory sampling is a convenient way of focusing on the on-policy distribution. All of these approaches can significantly speed planning and are current topics of research.

Another interesting dimension of variation is the size of backups. Among the smallest backups are 1-step sample backups. The smaller the backups, the more incremental the planning methods can be. We presented one study suggesting that sample backups may be preferable on very large problems. A related issue is the depth of backups. In many cases deep backups can be implemented as sequences of shallow backups.

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Richard Sutton
Fri May 30 17:11:38 EDT 1997