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7.9 Implementation Issues

It might at first appear that methods using eligibility traces are much more complex than 1-step methods. A naive implementation would require every state (or state-action pair) to update both its value estimate and its eligibility trace on every time step. This would not be a problem for implementations on common Single-Instruction-Multiple-Data parallel computers or in plausible neural implementations, but it is for implementations on conventional serial computers. Fortunately, for typical values of and the eligibility traces of almost all states are always very near zero; only those that have recently been visited will have traces significantly greater than zero. Only these few states really need to be updated because the updates at the others will have essentially no effect.

In practice, then, implementations on conventional computers keep track of and update only the few states with non-zero traces. Using this trick, the computational expense of using traces is typically a few times that of a 1-step method. The exact multiple of course depends on and and on the expense of the other computations. Cichosz (1995) has demonstrated a further implementation technique which reduces complexity to a constant independent of and . Finally, it should be noted that the tabular case is in some sense a worst case for the computational complexity of traces. When function approximators are used (Chapter 8 ) the computational advantages of not using traces generally decrease. For example, if artificial neural networks and backpropagation are used, then traces generally cause only a doubling of the required memory and computation per step.

Exercise .

Write pseudocode for an implementation of TD() that updates only value estimates for states whose traces are greater than .

Richard Sutton
Fri May 30 15:01:47 EDT 1997