RLAI Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Intelligence (RLAI)

David Silver, 12th October
The ambition of this web page is to define the problem of Segmentation in Computer Go.


A region is a set of intersections on the Go board (for example a string, group or territory).

Segmentation is the process of dividing up the Go board into regions. At the end of the game, the board is (usually) fully segmented. The accuracy of segmentation can be measured by comparing the predicted regions with the actual, final regions.

Another way of thinking about segmentation is the correlation between intersections of the Go board. Segmentation attempts to cluster together highly correlated intersections:

Types of segmentation:

Hard segmentation divides the Go board up into a disjoint set of regions. Each intersection of the Go board can only belong to a single region [for each segmentation - we may choose to apply separate segmentations at e.g. string, chain, group level]. This corresponds to a 'definite' view of the Go board, where regions are well-defined and should be calculable.

Soft segmentation divides the Go board up into an overlapping set of regions. Each intersection of the Go board can belong to multiple regions. This corresponds to an 'uncertain' view of the Go board, where regions are badly defined, fuzzy, and difficult to calculate accurately.

Explicit segmentation generates a labelled set of regions during segmentation. The labelled regions can then be referred to elsewhere in the Go program (for example to ask the status of a particular group).

Implicit segmentation doesn't actually generate a set of regions, and does not provide any mechanism to refer to individual regions elsewhere in the program. Instead segmentation is considered an implicit part of the question asking process (see questions), and a scope must be specified for each question asked (see below).


The scope M of a policy restricts the set of moves that will be considered by that policy. We can define different scopes:

MD(x) is the set of moves at intersections within a fixed distance D from an intersection x.

Mσ(x,g) is the set of moves at intersections which are correlated with x above a correlation threshold value of σ, using the correlation function g. For example, if σ = 0.99 then the scope about a black stone would only consider those intersections that are 'definitely' connected with the stone.

MD,σ(x,g) is the set of moves at intersections within a fixed distance D from any intersections that are correlated with x above a correlation threshold value of σ, using the correlation function g. For example, if σ = 0.99 then the scope about a black stone would only consider those intersections that are within D of an intersection that is 'definitely' connected with the black stone.

The scope operator assumes that we can estimate the correlation between any two intersections.

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