RLAI Reinforcement Learning and Computer Go (RLGO)
The ambition of this page is to define and discuss the concept of shape in the context of reinforcement learning.

A useful definition of shape is the following:

Shape is the set of pattern features that help to predict features of the Go board.

In other words, shape can be thought of as a set of auxiliary features that can help us to answer questions.

Local shape is the set of local pattern features that help to predict local features of the Go board, relative to a particular intersection. For example this could be a set of template patterns of the form { Black | White | Empty | Don't Care } for a fixed scope about a point. This corresponds roughly to the concept of a pattern database in traditional Computer Go development.

However, shape is not restricted to local shape. We could also consider more abstract concepts of shape, corresponding to patterns over higher order features. For example, we may be interested in the shape of a set of groups, which could be defined as patterns over features of those groups.

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