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The main argument and results in this section were first presented by Sutton (1984). Further analysis of the relationship between evaluation and instruction has been presented by Barto (1985, 1991, 1992), and Barto and Anandan (1985). The unit-square representation of a binary bandit task used in Figure 2.2 has been called a contingency space in experimental psychology (e.g., Staddon, 1983).

Narendra and Thathachar (1989) provide a comprehensive treatment of modern learning automata theory and its applications. They also discuss similar algorithms from the statistical learning theory of psychology. Other methods based on converting reinforcement-learning experience into target actions were developed by Widrow, Gupta, and Maitra (1973) and by Gällmo and Asplund (1995).

Richard Sutton
Fri May 30 10:02:27 EDT 1997