A Standard Interface for Reinforcement Learning Software in Common Lisp (CLOS)

by Richard S. Sutton and Juan Carlos Santamaria

Change 5/20/02
Argument order changed in sim-collect-data. Some functions that were described using the term "episode", but which actually used the term "trial" in the implementation, were corrected in the implementation. Thanks to Pedro Campos.


This document presents a standard interface for programming reinforcement learning simulations in Common Lisp. The Common Lisp implementation is based on CLOS, the Common Lisp Object System. There are three basic objects: agents, environments, and simulations. The agent is the learning agent and the environment is the task that it interacts with. The simulation manages the interaction between the agent and the environment, collects data, and manages the display, if any.

The outputs of the agent are termed actions, and the inputs of the agent are termed sensations. In the simplest case, the sensations are the states of the environment, but the interface allows them to be arbitrarily related to the true states of the environment. Here's the standard figure:

Whereas the reward is a number, the actions and sensations can be arbitrary lisp objects, as long as they are understood properly by the agent and the environment. Obviously the agent and environment have to be chosen to be compatible with each other in this way.

The interaction between the agent and environment is handled in discrete time. We assume we are working with simulations here; there are no real-time constraints enforced by the interface. In other words, the environment waits for the agent while the agent is selecting its action and the agent waits for the environment while the environment is computing its next state.

The interface supports either episodic (episode-based, finite horizon) or continuing (continually running, infinite horizon) tasks. Continuing tasks are treated as a single epsiode that never ends.

In a typical use of the interface, the user first defines any needed specialized object classes and then creates her new agent, environment, and simulation by calling make-instance. All three objects are then passed to sim-init which initializes and interconnects them. Finally, calls to sim-steps (or sim-episodes) actually run the simulation. Here is a prototypical example:

(load "RLinterface.lisp")
(use-package :RLI)
...somehow define my-agent-class and my-environment-class...
(setq my-agent (make-instance 'my-agent-class))
(setq my-env (make-instance 'my-environment-class))
(setq my-sim (make-instance 'simulation))
(sim-init my-sim my-agent my-env)
(sim-steps my-sim 10000000)
A complete example including definitions of specific agent and environment classes is given in the final section of this document.

Note that all the documentation for all objects and routines includes HTML anchors to facilitate automatic indexing into this document. Links to the source code are also provided. For any lisp entity with a bracketed descriptor to its right (e.g., [function]), its source code can be brought up by clicking on the bracketed words. The complete source code is also available here.


The agent is the entity that interacts with the environment, that receives senations and selects actions. The agent may or may not learn, may or may not build a model of the environment, etc.

[class name]

The basic class of all agents. Specific agents are instances of subclasses of agent. (make-instance 'agent) creates a new instance of agent. User defined agent classes (subclasses of agent) will normally provide specialized definitions of the following three functions.

[primary method]
agent-init agent

This function is normally provided by the user for her specialized agent class. (agent-init agent) should initialize agent, making any needed data-structures. If agent learns or changes in any way with experience, then this function should reset it to its original, naive condition. Normally, agent-init is called once when the simulation is first assembled and initialized. The default method for agent-init does nothing.

If needed, the agent can consult with the environment or the simulation as part of setting up its initialization (although at present no standard interface has been defined for this sort of interaction). The agent can access the environment and simulation by calling agent-sim or agent-env. These environment and simulation are both guaranteed to be existant and inited by the time agent-init is called.

[primary method]
agent-start-episode agent sensation

This function is usually provided by the user for her specialized agent class. It is called at the beginning of each new episode (in a continually running task, it will be called once at the beginning of the simulation). (agent-start-episode agent sensation) should perform any needed initialization of agent to prepare it for beginning a new episode. It should return the first action of the agent in the new episode, in response to sensation (the first sensation of the episode). A typical definition for agent-start-episode is:

(defmethod agent-start-episode ((agent agent) sensation)
  (policy agent sensation))

where policy is a function or primary method that implements the decision-making policy of the agent.

[primary method]
agent-step agent sensation reward

This is the main method for agent, where all the learning takes place. It must be provided by the user and will be called once on each step of the simulation. (agent-step agent sensation reward) informs agent that, in response to its previously chosen action, the environment returned sensation and reward. The agent instance is responsible for remembering the previous sensation and action in case it requires them for learning. For this to work, agent-step must never be called directly by the user. This method returns the action to be taken in response to sensation.

In a episodic task, sensation may take on the special value :terminal-state, indicating that the episode has terminated with this step. The author of agent-step is responsible for checking for this and adjusting its learning and other processes accordingly. In this case, the value returned from agent-step will be ignored.


The environment defines the problem to be solved. It determines the dynamics of the environment, the rewards, and the episode terminations.

[class name]

The basic class of all environments. Specific environments are instances of subclasses of environment. (make-instance 'environment) creates a new instance of environment. User defined environment classes (subclasses of environment) will normally provide specialized definitions of the following three functions.

[primary method]
env-init environment

This function is normally provided by the user for her specialized environment class. (env-init environment) should initialize environment, making any needed data-structures. If environment changes in any way with experience, then this function should reset it to its original, naive condition. Normally, env-init is called once when the simulation is first assembled and initialized. The default method for env-init does nothing.

If needed, the environment can consult with the simulation as part of setting up its initialization. The environment can access the simulation by calling env-sim. The corresponding agent is not available at the time env-init is called.

[primary method]
env-start-episode environment

This function must be provided by the user for her specialized environment class. It is normally called at the beginning of each new episode (in a continually running task, it will be called once at the beginning of the simulation). (env-start-episode environment) should perform any needed initialization of environment to prepare it for beginning a new episode. It should return the first sensation of the episode.

[primary method]
env-step environment action

This is the main method for environment. It must be provided by the user and will be called once on each step of the simulation. (env-step environment action) causes environment to undergo a transition from its current state to a next state dependent on action, generating a next sensation and a reward, returned as two values.

If the transition is into a terminal state, then the next sensation returned must have the special value :terminal-state.


The simulation is the base object of the interface. It manages the interaction between the agent and the environment. The primary methods sim-init, sim-steps and sim-episodes are not intended to be changed by the user. They define the heart of the interface, the uniform usage that all agents and environments are meant to conform to.

Simulations can be specialized to provide reporting (see sim-collect-data) and display capabilities. For example, a display may start or stop the simulation and show its progress in various ways. Display updates can be triggered in sim-collect-data, agent-step, env-step , or whatever, by calling user-provided methods associated with the specialized simulation object (accessible via agent-sim or env-sim).

[class name]

The basic class of all simulations. (make-instance 'simulation) creates a new instance of simulation. Earlier we saw a prototypical example of the use of a simulation.

[primary method]
sim-init simulation agent environment

(sim-init simulation agent environment) initializes simulation, agent, and environment, which should be objects of these classes. See the source code (by clicking on the bracketed "primary method" above right) to see just how this works.

[primary method]
sim-start-episode simulation

(sim-start-episode simulation) forces the beginning of a new episode in simulation. This is done primarily by calls to env-start-episode and agent-start-episode. See the source code (by clicking on the bracketed "primary method" above right) to see exactly how this works.

[primary method]
sim-steps simulation num-steps

Runs simulation for num-steps steps, starting from whatever state the environment currently is in. If the terminal state is reached, the simulation is immediately prepared for a new episode by calling sim-start-episode. The switch from the terminal state to the new starting state does not count as a step. See the source code (by clicking on the bracketed "primary method" above right) to see exactly how it works.

[primary method]
sim-episodes simulation num-episodes max-steps-per-episode

Runs simulation for num-episodes episodes, each of which can be no longer than max-steps-per-episode steps. Each episode begins by calling sim-start-episode. See the source code (by clicking on the bracketed "primary method" above right) to see exactly how it works.

[primary method]
sim-collect-data simulation sensation action reward next-sensation

This function is called once on each step of the simulation. The default method does nothing, but user-defined specialized methods might accumulate rewards or other data and update displays. This is the preferred way to gain access to the simulation's behavior.

accessing one object from another

The following routines are provided for accessing the three objects making up a simulation (agent, environment, and simulation) one from the other. Their names are all of the form a-b. They take as input an object of class a and return the associated object of class b:

[primary methods]
sim-env simulation
sim-agent simulation
env-sim environment
env-agent environment
agent-sim agent
agent-env agent

a complete example

Here is code for a table-based agent using 1-step Q-learning for a particular finite MDP -- the maintenance task.