from IPython.display import display
%pylab inline
The highlights
NB: It is entirely possible to change Python's syntax on the fly, and there's generally a number of ways you can do things. One way of doing things is generally easier than the others though.
# Examples of types
print 1,type(1)
print 1.0,type(1.0)
print "hello", type("hello")
print True, type(True)
print [1,1.0,"hello",True], type([1,1.0,"hello",True])
# Example variable assignments
a = 1
b = 1.0
c = "hello"
d = True
e = [1,1.0,"hello",True]
print a, b, c, d, e
We define functions like the following:
# A function that takes an argument and prints something, but doesn't return anything
def foo(argument):
print("No Python tutorial is complete without",argument)
# A function that takes two arguments and checks if their "type" is equal
def bar(arg1,arg2):
return type(arg1) == type(arg2)
# A function that takes TWO arguments and returns TWO values
def fib(a,b):
return b, b + a
Importing modules can (unsurprisingly) be done using an "import" statement. Python automatically looks for them in a few places; if you have problems importing a module, check that the name is correct and that the directory that the module's located in appears in your
import math
import random
Using imported modules is somewhat different from the builtin functions or the ones you might define yourself; once you've imported a module you have to prefix the function you want with the module's name:
print random.random()
If you just try to use "random", you'll get an exception (unless you've imported using the "from < module > import ..." syntax).
Lists are probably the main thing you'll use to store your data. They're essentially linked pieces of data, and can be accessed on an element-by-element basis, or as a "slice" containing multiple such elements. They use "0-based indexing".
lst = [1,2,3,"a","b","c"] # Construct the list
print(lst) # Print the list
print(lst[0]) # Print an element of the list
# We can modify individual parts of the list:
lst[2] += 1
# Or whole swaths:
lst[:3] = [3,2,1]
For most of your repeatable data manipulation you'll probably use "For..." loops, which execute the same code on some sort of "iterable" object. For example, you might print the numbers from 0 to 3. Or multiply such numbers together. It takes the following form:
print("Here, using a range, which is an iterable object:")
for i in range(4):
print("\nYou can also perform operations on things in ranges:")
for i in range(4):
print("\nAnd now with an iterable object (here it's a list):")
for i in [0,1,2,3]:
for i in "hello":
print i
def exampleFunction(x):
tmp = x + 1
return tmp**2
lst = [i for i in range(10)]
lst = [exampleFunction(i) for i in range(10)]
lst = [exampleFunction(i) for i in lst]
print lst
Plan: implement something that calculates the Fibonacci sequence using all the techniques mentioned above.
Global variables are variables that can be referened from the outermost scope. That is, globally.
Python makes it somewhat difficult for you to modify global variables from inside a function. There are some good reasons for this, but if you're writing small programs and just need to be able to manipulate data from anywhere, problems generally don't occur.
# If the variable's defined in the outer scope, you can access it from inside
gvar = 10
def gvarExample(arg):
arg += gvar
return arg
print gvarExample(2)
# You cannot, however, modify it
gvar = 10
def gvarExample(arg):
arg += gvar
gvar = arg
return arg
print gvarExample(2)
# So to accomplish the above, we'd use
# If the variable's defined in the outer scope, you can access it from inside
gvar = 10
def gvarExample(arg):
global gvar
arg += gvar
gvar = arg
return arg
print gvarExample(2)
print gvar
You can also use it to create functions that don't take arguments, but still do something based on the global variables
a = 1
b = 1
def summation():
global a, b
b, a = a+b,b
for i in range(10):
print b
You can perform multiple assignment operations at the same time. This is mainly useful for when assigning things in series would be inconvenient. For example, without tuple assignment, computing a recurrence relation might require a temporary variable to store intermediate numbers while the others are being computed.
ta, tb = "Bond, James","Bond"
# The above is the same thing as this:
tEx1 = "Bond, James"
tEx2 = "Bond"
print ta, tb
print tEx1, tEx2
# You can even switch the variables conveniently
ta, tb = tb, ta
print ta, tb
You can also return multiple things from functions, separated by a comma
def fibWrapper(n):
# Fibonacci sequence done differently
a,b = 1,1
print "Printing the Fibonacci sequence up to the %dth term"%n
for i in range(n):
a, b = fib(a,b)
print b
print "\n"
print b
Numpy is an absurdly useful module for Python that addresses two weaknesses: Python's lack of an efficient array data container, and speed. It also contains a number of useful functions for linear algebra and data analysis.
import numpy as np
array = np.array([i for i in range(10)]) # Make an array from a list
array = np.ones((3,3)) # Make a 3-by-3 array of ones
array = np.zeros((2,3,4)) # Two rows, three columns, four layers
array = np.random.random((3,2)) # Three rows, two colums, random array
display(array[:,1]) # Show ALL values from the SECOND column
You can operate on each array in a highly convenient manner:
array = np.arange(1,10)
array = array.reshape((3,3)) # Reshape it to be 3-by-3
# Summing over an array
# Summing over a single column of an array
# Adding one to all elements of an array
array += 1
# Multiplying a single row of the array by 10
array[1] *= 10
# Performing the dot product (i.e., matrix multiplication) between two arrays.
product =,array)
# Change a single element of an array
product[1,1] = -1
In the 1660s or so, a physicist and part-time mercury-crazed alchemist named Isaac Newton developed the theory of calculus so that he could derive solutions to... something or other. Thus, he became famous, and went on to become "Master of the Mint", thereby becoming the first quant in history. Anywho, I'm sure that was nice at the time, but here I'm going to use NumPy to accomplish all that in like, twenty seconds.
# Integrate a (python) function between a and b using the trapezoidal rule and numpy
def nptrapezoid(func,a,b,n=100):
npfunc = np.frompyfunc(func,1,1) # Create a new numpy function, because syntactic sugar
# Set up the points at which to evaluate the function, the interval lengths
xp = np.linspace(a,b,n)
xd = xp[1:] - xp[:-1]
# Evaluate at points, take average
yp = (npfunc(xp[1:]) + npfunc(xp[:-1]))/2
# Return averages times distances
Now we can prove how much smarter we collectively are than that jerk, Isaac Newton.
math.exp(5) - math.exp(0)
The level of agreement isn't terrible! And it was super painless to write. I hope Newton has a law of cooling or something, because he just got burned. Oh wait, he does. Still, the takeaway is the NumPy is very useful.
You might want to remember the following:
* argmax
* argmin
* argsort
The "argmax" function finds the maximum argument, but returns the index at which it is located. Similarly for "argmin". Guess what "argsort" does?
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Matplotlib is a graphing utility written developed for Python. It's fairly flexible and even widely used, but it's not
These days, people just don't know how to graph properly. Which is a shame, because graphing lends meaning to our lives.
Here are a number of guidelines for formatting graphs. They aren't comprehensive, but should be a decent start.
sine = math.sin
# Alternatively, sine = lambda x: math.sin(x)
# Create the x-data and the y-data, in arrays
x_data = np.linspace(0,6*math.pi,100)
# You can use list comprehensions if it makes things easier, or even do both
y_data = np.array([nptrapezoid(sine,0,x) for x in x_data])
# Create the plots, as a figure object and an axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
# Label the plots
ax.set_title("One Weird Numerical Trick") # Calculus teachers HATE him!
ax.set_ylabel("$\int_0^t \cos{(x)}\,dx$") # You can even embed LaTeX in these labels!
# Make some modifications to the x- and y-axis
ax.grid(True) # Turn on gridlines
# Adjusting size for improved resolution in saved file
figDefaultSize = fig.get_size_inches()
fig.set_size_inches((figDefaultSize[0]*2, figDefaultSize[1]*2))
# Saving File (in current working directory)
#fig.savefig("MyGraphFilename.png") # or .pdf, .svg, .jpeg
# Close the graph so it doesn't appear in the IPython Notebook
Here are some things I'd like to write about, but aren't necessary for the assignment.
IPython is an extremely useful tool. Essentially, it's a version of Python with a number of magic methods and other conveniences built in. When run in terminal, it's a quite a bit more flexible than the standard Python shell, but you can do other things with it, too. For instance, this document was produced using IPython Notebook.